Kategori: Diverse

Tausheten og ordet (hft) (1972)

Winther, Truls

Tenk deg slank (1991)

Eva Helgesen

Tenk selv! Religionskritikk og humanisme (hft) (1950)

Blomkvist, Vemund (red)
En humanist bok

Tenkepauser (hft) (2003)

Hide Bondevik og Inga Bostad

The Christians (1977)

Bamber Gascoigne
Jonathan Cape

The Dilbert principle (smussomslag) (1996)

Adams, Scott
Harper business

The discoverers (1983)

Boorstin, Daniel J.
Random House

The ditches of Edison County (hft) (1993)

Ronald Richard Roberts
Penguin books

The dream boats (1977)

Nancy Holmes
Elek London

The Hiram Key (1996)

Christopher Knight and Robert Lomas

The HP way (smussomslag) (1995)

Packard, David
Harper business

The illustrated Cat´s Life (1995)

Warren Eckstein and Fay Eckstein
Tiger books international

The insult dictionary (hft) (1981)

Passport books

The little book of Boris (hft) (2007)

Iain Dale
Harriman House

The little green book (1990)

Cherry Denman
Stewart, Tabori and Chang

The living thoughts of Tolstoi (1948)

Cassell and company

The making of a spy (1977)

Raymond Palmer
Crescent books

The new anatomy of Britain (1971)

Sampson, Anthony
Hodder and Stoughton

The North Sea (smussomslag) (1985)


The other fifty percent (hft) (1993)

Womack/Marti (red)
Waveland press

The psychology of Adolescent Development (1952)

Kuhlen, Raymond G
Harper & Brothers

The reason why (1876)

Houlston and sons

The Royal Palace in Oslo (1970)

Guthorm Kavli

The Secret – Kraften (2011)

Rhonda Byrne
Cappelen Damm

The shaping of a profession (smussomslag) (1996)

Larsen, Øivind (red)
Science historic publ.

The Ship Painters (1975)

Roger Finch
Terence Dalton Limited

The truth about stress (hft) (2006)

Patmore, Angela
Atlantic books